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Who is this Heidi Miller?

I completed the Pilates training program at The Pilates Center in Boulder, CO.

Throughout the Pilates training program I went through a physical and emotional transformation. I hadn’t realized how much pain my body was in all the time until the day I wasn’t in pain any longer. Pilates gave me back the control over my body. This was the beginning to a new life and love of movement.

I attended Illinois State University and received a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Sports Science and was inspired to move to Colorado to do my internship. Part of my internship was done at a Medx physical therapy clinic specializing in neck and back rehabilitation. It was here that I realized I had found my niche. I worked at the clinic for 2.5 years. I then developed a mobile personal training business built on the use of the stability ball. By the time I found Pilates I had been personal training for 8 years. I came to Pilates after a rotator cuff tear and needed to do some form of movement until I was healed. It was then I realized that Pilates was the strength I was looking for.

All this time I had been strengthening my arms and legs with no strength in the middle to hold me together. Soon after doing Pilates my back pain was gone, I was stronger than I had ever been, and I felt amazing. I trained for a year to get into school, and spent two more years training to get my body to be able to perform full Level V movements. Pilates is a continual process. There is no end to finding more uniform development in the body. I am enjoying my journey and my goal is to inspire others to find their road as well.

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